Before you replace any wires see if the brakes are working.
Make sure the trailer battery(s) are showing at least 12.3 volts or more.
Make sure the batteries are connected and any battery disconnect is not in the picture.
Unplug the trailer from the truck, this is very important. Otherwise backfeed can fry the trucks brake controller
Pull the emergency breakaway cable and pin out of the controller
Try to pull the trailer forward a few feet.
If the trailer rolls you have a brake problem.
Put the pin back in the breakaway
Also this just occurred as I finished typing this. Check the entire umbilical for damage. Last year I helped my neighbor replace the plug on his trailer cable as he was already late to leave and had no taillights. The lights still didn't work. Then I looked at the umbilical and it had been pinched in a turn and partially cut through on the bottom.