A fallacy. I crammed learned LED engineering in a little over a year at age 62. If they want to learn they will -- if they want to persist in 101 excuses, well they will. An MBA or MEE does nothing except impress upon an individual how little they know.
I do not know C++ so I avoid getting into a position where knowing it is mandatory. I am poor at political science, law, the humanities, and the arts. I don't go there either. Which is a lot more sensible in insisting I wade into the muck then yelling for for help. "Oh wait. Law. Well I don't want to read about it but I need help. Show me where to place my feet".
This has -nothing- to do with folks asking questions about troubleshooting. It has everything to do with asking how to fix a problem with a grave reluctance to spend a nickel on diagnostic tools. "What do I yank and then if it doesn't work, what next?" followed by a recommendation to purchase a basic common sense tool, followed by silence or worse, more questions about where to place their feet, is the issue. People who are helpless have an innate inability to perform fundamental diagnostics. They should not enter an arena like boondocking that is anything but plug and play -- UNLESS they are willing to exert themselves just a little.
And I promise to stay the hell away from C++, carpentry, and hairstyling...