Note that the diagram shows the voltage climbing during bulk and then goes straight across during absorption. This means you get the batts to 14.8 and leave it at 14.8 until you go to float when the batteries are charged right up. (If they ever get that far during daylight--if not, then the voltage will fall off anyway as it gets dark)
Note that there is no place on that diagram for the high "finish" stage. You can ignore that finish stage business and just do 14.8 till they are charged up and then go to float at 13.x.
Every so often, maybe every three months disconnect the batts from the rig so your 12v systems won't get fried, and do an equalize at 16.2v But first the batts have to be full, so on solar that can mean late in the day and not enough daylight left to do the E. So plan ahead for a sunny day and keep the batts as high as possible the day before, and now they will get full early next day and now you can do the E before it gets dark.