Interesting but that isn't the same battery in my truck. When the Sun comes up, I'll open the hood, get the numbers off it, and edit this post.
Edit: Well, I checked out the battery and the part and serial number spaces are blank. There is a "made in Mexico" stamp on the case, though. Since Johnson Controls has a plant down there, it could probably be presumed it is made by Johnson.
This battery is labeled "Motorcraft Max" and "Max power", not that it means a darn thing, just different labeling.
I have no idea if the original I got 10 years from is this same battery or not. I did buy it at a Ford dealer but that means little. BTW, those were not an easy 10 years by any means, 2000 W sound system and a cranky door sensing switch that keeps the cabin light lit long after the key is removed.