3 tons wrote:
FWIW I should note too that the Hughes Autoformer also doubles as a surge protector...
As to my above scenario, it appears to act as a buffer between the load and the power source...JMO
3 tons
Yes and no on the surge protector comment.
the hughes has MOV's (Spike suppressors) in it. these are what are sold as "Surge Suppressors" in many stores (The six outlet strip type) but are a long way from what I call a Surge Suppressor.
A spike is a very short (like 1/120-1/60 second) long "Surge" in voltage. the MOV's absorb and clip that spike protecting you.
But if you get a sustained surge (Example you plug into a 240 volt 30 amp outlet) ... well those MOV's sound like firecrackers when that happens and are no good at all.
A Progressive Industries HW-50C will display 240 volts do not bypass. and protect you from your mistake.