K_and_I wrote:
JoeH wrote:
I've had outstanding customer service from TST. I called when I needed a couple screws for the anti-theft caps and they sent me a package of screws, extra caps, o rings for the valve stem connection and o rings for the battery cap--- all free of charge. I have enough to last a long time
I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I called TST a couple of years ago for o-rings, and was quoted a price and an equal price for shipping. I ended up ordering 2 sets of o-rings since the shipping charge was the same. Last trip (last month), I had a sensor fail. It reported no change in the tire pressure even after the tire had totally ripped itself apart. I no longer trusted the system I had. TST was no help, even though the sensor was less than a year old. I did end up buying a hew TST system as it seems to have the best reputation on the forums, and I wanted the color monitor and repeater. I got it from Great RV Products rather than TST directly.
How do some of you get this stuff sent free?
I suggest you call Mike Benson at 210-420-0132-- He's the sales manager at TST and has been very helpful.