edatlanta wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
I like my TST system but I don't like what I feel is an excessive time delay between when the monitor loses the signal from a sensor, and when the monitor notifies you that the signal has been lost. An hour is a long time to be without contact and not know it.
I have heard this comment before, but I don't understand the difference between unhooking from your rig and driving off without turning off the trailer monitoring and removing a wheel sensor to add air, etc. The former doesn't trigger the monitor as you describe, but taking the sensor off certainly does and immediately.
Does anyone know the answer here?
When you remove a wheel sensor the monitor immediately notices a loss of air pressure and sounds an alarm, just like it's supposed to do. When you drive away, the monitor simply sees that it has lost connection with the sensors. After about an hour it will sound an alarm to alert you to this fact. This also is what it's supposed to do.