dryfly wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
pawpaw47 wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
I like my TST system but I don't like what I feel is an excessive time delay between when the monitor loses the signal from a sensor, and when the monitor notifies you that the signal has been lost. An hour is a long time to be without contact and not know it.
I had the same problem with mine, but I spoke with the techs at TST about it and they suggested installing their repeater. That totally fixed my issues. You may want to talk with them about it.
Happy travels!
Yes, the repeater will probably solve the problem of the monitor losing contact with the sensor. But it doesn't solve the problem of it taking an hour to notify you that it happened. You could lose contact with the sensors for 45 minutes several times a day and never be aware of it. That's what bothers me. I am of the opinion that any rig over 35 feet should be supplied with the repeater at the time of sale. Charge more if necessary, but make people aware of the time issues of losing contact.
I am having a little trouble here. Are you saying the tire remains visible with readings on your monitor, but you are not receiving the signal from the pressure sensor for up to 1 hour? Is this typically intermittent?
If you are still visibly seeing tire on monitor how do you know you have lost signal?
The tire will remain visible on the screen just like all the rest. The monitor will cycle through all the tires just as it should. If one, or more, tire/s loses contact with the monitor, the monitor will continue to show the last pressure/temperature it received. I'm assuming it is intermittent, but due to the way it works it's impossible to say for sure.
Aha, your last sentence sums up the problem: you don't know you've lost signal until the alert sounds, which can be an hour or so after the signal was initially lost. The monitor will continue to show the last reading until the alert sounds.
I know it works this way because I've seen it in operation. About 45 minutes after leaving a campground I noticed that I had one tire that was not reading the same as the other six. It was showing the same temperature that the tires exhibited when first leaving the campground. I thought I had a bad tire or some issue, and was getting ready to pull over when I looked down and saw that I now had the same readings as all the other tires. What had happened was I lost contact and the monitor was showing the last reading it had received from the tire sensor. I traveled approximately 45 minutes with no protection from my TPMS for that tire.
Does this happen often? I have no idea. If it hadn't occurred the way it did I would never have known that I had been traveling with a basically useless TPMS, as far as that tire was concerned anyway. I think an hour to alert you of a problem is way too long.