Yes, the idea of mounting it after arrival has merit.
I like the 360 rotation. My Winegard has a blank zone on either side of where it gets to, and sure enough, I always seem to park so the place to aim the antenna is in the "no-go" arc! :(
The Batwing died, was replaced with the Jack, now on the stick-house. I still have the Winegard mast and Batwing base-plate thingy.
I have to invent an adapter to get this antenna on a short pole up from the Batwing base so I can raise the mast and not have to turn it manually, but turn the antenna with its own rotation gear.
Then when lowered, keep it out of the wind going down the road, or attach it after arrival, raise the mast, and good to go. Seems like a good project! (That must be what the ladder on the back of the RV up to the roof is for :) )