I am going to inquire with my dealer what exactly they consider as up to spec, and do as you say. Thanks.
Bob Landry wrote:
the bear II wrote:
I would check the air speed coming out of the vents for the rear AC and compare with the speed from the front AC unit. That will tell you if the fans are putting out similar volume of air.
As long as the temp coming out of the vent is at least 20 degrees below the outside temp it sounds like it's in specs for cold air output.
The 20 degree difference that everyone likes to quote but is clueless about, is across the coil, not between inside and outside air. Outside ambient temperature has zero to do with determining operation of a unit except in using the measurements Doug stated earlier to determine if it is properly charged. After that you are looking for an installation problem, or the unit is simply undersized for the space it has to cool.
The OP needs to print out the instructions Doug gave and take them to the shop that said his unit was good and ask if they checked it using this method. If they did not, they need to start over because if they call Dometic looking for troubleshooting help, this is what Dometic is going to tell them to do.I'm betting most shops will look at you like you're nuts.