My original jacks were horribly noisy. The replacements are silent. Lippert knows about it and has fixed it. My RV is a Winne Class A (you could have looked in my profile) but any brand using Lipperts from about 2014-16 seem to often have the problem. Earlier ones are quiet as are later builds. "Stiction" is a known problem for hydrauic cylinders in many different applications. Even had it on some hydraulic elevators I had to fix (retired elevator tech here). Back in the 70's Pennzoil sold an additive (lubrizol) that would help for a while. We'd dump it in elevator oil tanks by the 5 gallon bucket. I'm sure in my case the problem was caused by the oil expanding and contracting with temperature and the pistons not being able to move back and forth in response without making a racket. Putting something on the outside of the piston is futile as what makes the noise is the interior seal that rides inside the cylinder.