EldIr wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
The part about a motorcycle oil for motorcycles. Well, Amsoil too, but to a lesser degree. :)
That's just an excuse to put a higher price tag on a can of "Motorcycle Oil". I've never run motorcycle specific oil in any of the bikes I've owned and ridden over the last 50 years and several hundred thousand miles. None used any oil to speak of, except for those pesky 2-strokes. :) And I've never had any serious repair problems, except those I caused myself. :)
I've got an '86 Yamaha FJ1200 with nearly 60,000 miles and it has had nothing but Castrol GTX and Castrol Syntec run through it and it runs great and uses no oil.
Do you understand how a wet clutch works? Yes, some bikes are ok with auto oil, but many more have shifting problems without an mc oil. Also, do you understand about additive packs? The additive packs in mc oil are designed for the higher stresses most mc engines encounter as well as the wet clutch. Sure, you may have gotten by using auto oil, but many more have not. Only an idiot would risk their engine and clutch to save what, $20 a year? If you really think it's worth the risk for such a small savings, go ahead and run auto oil. Just don't recommend such a stupid thing to someone else.
Okay, how many bikes have you owned and ridden thousands and thousands of miles on?
I used to work in a motorcycle shop and yes I do indeed know how a wet clutch works, and what affects a wet clutch is usually the anti-friction modifiers in some oils.
What makes you an expert? Reading lots of reports written by oil makers? Gee, you think they might have a vested interests in influencing people to pay too much for already expensive oil?
$20 a year? How often do you change your oil anyway? If I buy Rotella for $13.00/gallon that works out to about $3.25/quart. If I buy "motorcycle oil" for anywhere from $8 to $18 per quart, that is a difference of $20 to $60 per oil change. If I change at 5,000 miles that is 3 times a year which works out to $100 to $300 per year.
Motorcycle engines are water cooled, oil lubed internal combustion engines. Not much different from what sits in your car engine bay. What exactly makes them so special that they need $20/quart oil. And why did automotive oil work all these years, and now isn't good enough? Oil is better formulated now than ever before but plain old oil isn't good enough. Riiiiiiight.
And in my mind, anyone who will pay the prices that Amsoil wants for their product so they can run a second rate oil should not be impugning the intelligence of anyone. Go be a shill somewhere else.
And please forward the information on those engine failures that have occurred because people aren't using motorcycle specific oil. Surely you have quite of file of them...don't you?
I have 50 years and upwards of 400,000 miles of riding and wrenching on a couple dozen different motorcycles. What are your qualifications? Hmmm? I have never had an engine failure on any bike I've every owned that wasn't my own darned fault.
PS Save the name calling for grade school. Okay?