accsys wrote:
I standby what I said. Naturally you cannot draw more current than what the circuit breaker is designed for on the pedestal. Few of us pull the maximum power the pedestal is designed for, especially 50 amp pedestals. But, if you use an autoformer in a low voltage situation, you are pulling more current from the pedestal than you would without the autoformer and thus contributing to the low voltage situation for everyone else that is originally caused by the high current draw throughout the campground.
It's simple electrical math. To get higher power on the output windings you have to increase the power on the input windings and in low voltage situations the only way to do that is increase current through the input windings. And since the autoformer is not 100% efficient, you actually lose some power through the autoformer, requiring an even higher current on the input.
True, but the same can be said of those using the electric element to heat their water heater or refrigerator. They are pulling more amps than necessary, reducing the available current for everyone else. Each camper has to decide whether he wants to use the current available through the breaker, or reduce his usage for the good of the campground.