Lwiddis wrote:
“I would run the generator a couple of hours in the morning and a couple more in the evening.“
With the right batteries and an adequate solar system you wouldn’t need to run the generator at all most days. Four hours a day...hate to be camping next to you.
David (the OP) is learning how to drycamp and as such, is probably learning that drycamping is often in campsites that are spaced far enough apart such that his (probably outstandingly installed) generator in a Tiffin Class A motorhome is ultra-quiet inside and out.
I've had to stand within 6 feet of certain high end Class A motorhomes to even begin to hear their generators putt-putting along -> such that in no way would that bother me being camped anywhere in the vicinity around them.
Not everyone cares to be limited by the sun for resupply of their power storage. :)