The first photo about shows the access panel I had and the second in taken from right at that access panel. A little hard to tell in the photo but basically the entire water heater was supported by the screws in the front frame. The tank was basically just hovering over the base of the cabinet.
So I’m trying to fix this as easy as possible. All I need to do is get something under the styrofoam on the tank. I’m thinking a small section of 2x4 would probably work just fine. The only problem is that access panel is small and I can get one arm in there, but not two. I tried lifting the water heater but that isn’t going to work with the angle. That and it’s filled with 10 gallons of water. So first thing I’ll try is draining it and seeing if I can lift it. If that doesn’t work, I guess I’ll have to take all the screws out of the front and pull it out far enough to get something under it. Based on the looks of the pipes and wiring I shouldn’t have to disconnect anything to pull it out enough.
Anybody got any better ideas?