Kountryguy wrote:
Old-Biscuit, Are you able to provide any more info on the dip tubes you mentioned? I looked at the parts schematic for this heater, and saw not mention of or part# for a "dip tube". My heater Model # is SW12DE. If as stated, they are inside the tank, how could one possibly get in to replace them?
It is EXTREMELY rare for the DIP tubes to come loose. They can indeed be replaced, but I have seen only one in 41 years as an RV tech. The purpose of the DIP tubes is to prevent COLD water mixing with the HOT water in the tank when you are using the WH. The COLD intake dip tube has a slight curve and points DOWN and the HOT water exhaust tube is the same but points up. You remove the HOT and COLD intake lines and 1/2 inch thread in adapter and slide the tubes in. BUT, with the 1/2 inch adapter removed, you can insert a very flexible plastic tube inside and feel if the tubes are still in place. They are usually dislodged when someone is working on the W/H and they insert a tool or thread the 1/2 inch adapter in too far and knock it loose. I DOUBT THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM. Have you checked the temp AT THE POP OFF VALVE? Doug