Generally, RVers tend to do the same things, use the same appliances, the same amount of power needs etc, in general in a wide-range statement...
200 watts minimum I suggest. 300 is much better. If you do use a lot of DC power, or if you use an inverter to run a TV or other things then you will be on the high side of power users as opposed to the one LED light users who uses one gallon of water a day and charges a phone or two...
How many panels can you fit on the roof?
Put more than you need as panels are cheap at 75 cents per watt or so, and adding one later might be difficult depending how you run the panels - if you run two in series then later want to (and only have room for) one, then this requires more than just extra wire.
Panels will put out 18 volts. It is the amperage that varies. Max amps at noon pointed directly into the sun; minimal later in the day when panel is flat on the roof and getting the sun at an angle...
Your calculation seems to rely on ideal, maximum solar. You will have sub-maximum sun most of the time.