pianotuna wrote:
2oldman wrote:
StirCrazy wrote:
I learned a new method of sizing yesterday while I was reading. for a 6V GC battery the recomended charge amprage is 10% of your total amp hour capacity at the 20h rate of your entire battery bank. now how you adjust this for other loads I havent figured yet but from a charging stand point for your batteries you want to get about 21 amps from your panels. for myself, I would probaby double this and call it good
With Li's you can go way over that.
Acceptance rate for a 100 amp-hour flooded lead acid at 85% state of charge is 12.5. That translates to 12.5%, not 10%. Further lead acid are self regulating--that's why it takes nearly the same time to get from 50% to 85% as it does from 90% to 100%
Battleborn recommends 0.5 c for longest life, but 1c is safe.
2.5 percent, it is just a quick sizing guide on a 6V GC2 manufactuers web site I read the other day and it makes it easy to find a starting point for your pannel sizes, but at least use all my quote which could have been some one else snipping it but it will give you more context of what I actualy said so I'll add it.