cliffy49 wrote:
StirCrazy wrote:
I would run them in series on a MPPT controler if you can. the beausty of the MPPT is the conversion to a lower "charging voltage and that nothing is lost except for the efficency. also running in series means higher voltage lower amprage which lets you run a smaller wire with less line loss than you would get with a lower voltage, but higher amprage, on the same wire size. of course like PT and others have mentioned you have to be aware of the effects of shading so you have to place your panels a little smarter. another side benifit of running in series is the morning and evening charging will start sooner and finish laiter and you will get a higher amprage during that time than you would in parralel as you have a higher voltage hiting the controler.
the panels you referenced you could easy run two in series on that, but if it was for myself I would go with at least a 40 amp MPPT
You are at least the second person to say that I should use a 40 MPPT controller. To be honest, I can not understand why a 40 and not a 20. At the bery best, this panel is only going to be putting out a little over 8 amps if wired in series and 17 if wired in parallel.
Can you please explaiin to me what I am missing in all of this. I apologize for the questions but my solar knowledge is zero and I am trying to learn.
because if you decide to get more panels you dont have to buy a whole new controler. once you are set up it is cheep as heck to add more panels, expensive to throw away a controler to buy a bigger one. and if you go a bit bigger at the time of purchase it is only a little more. then if you decide to add panels later all you have to do is splice them in.