With advice like “two times yada, yada” Sounds to me like the phone answering guy at the Maagnum is passing the buck…
My ProSine inverter is 2000w (4500 surge for 5 sec), and my genny is 2200w, but either on their own (including genny in Eco mode) will start and run an 11kbtu Coleman Mach1 p.s.without a hitch…
Note, the problem I WAS having only occurred when genny was in Eco mode while passing thru the smart inverter (whether inverter was in standby mode or off)…Regardless of programming the inverter was not happy…Thus the added ATS solution that ends all nuances and provides even greater operating latitude - the simultaneous use of air conditioner, microwave, etc…..
Either way (regardless how one might look at it…), the generator is on-line and assigned the same tasking (or LESS if operable in Eco), but with the added ATS, neutered of unnecessary proprietary software glitches…
At least from an experienced process point of view, that’s how I see it…
3 tons