128w Unisolar, 10 amp LandStar, 184Ah AGM. 700w+400w+150w of inverter.
Intentionally avoiding a genset means the Unisolars are the primary power source for the RV except when camping in a campground for us.
Once I get a larger inverter it will allow me to run all my loads except the AC on the duty cycle of my typical usage (which is very light).
Once I get a controller that allows diversion loads, I will set up excess power (which there is most days in storage) to run a thermostatically controlled oil filled heater and thermostatically controlled fantastic fan to keep the RV at more moderate temps than the outside weather every day, so it is always ready for a visit.
I have alternatively considered running a daytime personal ham radio repeater on diversion load power.
In case of emergency the system provides indefinite power to run the fridge controller board as long as propane holds out (60 days unattended).