370 watts monocrystalline ET Solar 10.04 amps @ 36.9v
Rogue MPT-3024 MPPT controller
Xantrex Prowatt SW 2000w true sinewave inverter
440 Ah series/parallel battery bank
100% LED interior lighting
Like PT, allows me to operate RV as though on shore power. In addition to all 12-volt systems, regularly operate microwave, coffee pot, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner and TV/DVD player. Just got a 120v foot warmer for Christmas that I'm looking forward to trying out. It's like a mini electric blanket for your feet (50 watts on hi).
I enjoy being able to run the microwave and coffee pot in the morning while the neighbors are still waiting for genny hours to use theirs. I enjoy leaving the RV in the morning to go hiking while the neighbors hang around camp to wait for their noisy generators to top up their batteries. In fact, I enjoy just going about my business every day while my batteries are quietly recharging.