We could go off grid and do MW etc on inverter, but needed gen and charger to recharge doing 50-90s every couple days. However, ran into Progressive Capacity Loss" from doing too many 50-90s in a row without a full recharge. Time limit was about 14 days in row with maybe 5 or 6 50-90s and then we needed shore power for a major battery "recovery" session.
Got some solar and now we can go seemingly forever with no more progressive loss and do the same thing acting like we have shore power (we don't need air conditioning where we camp doing this)
The key seems to be that the solar gets you closer to a full battery every day than doing 50-90s does. Still have to use the gen once in a while if it is cloudy too long. Still have to arrange a 100% recharge once a month to keep batts in top shape, but this can be done with solar if necessary (using split bank trick-run the rig on one bank while doing the "overcharge" on the other)
Tried 80w first--not enough. Tried 210w next--more than needed. Tried 130w--not enough but was enough in the tracking contraption This year will go with 330w and no contraption. I know it will be way more than enough, since 210w was. (have 4-6s as bank-458AH rated)