Solar Cynergy 140W(just installed), Carmanah 95WX2(190W),4 6V Trojan AGM's(400ah), Xantrex Freedom SW 2000W inverter,Blue Sky controler 25A.
In our previous TC, everytime my wife wanted to use her hair dryer, grind coffee, make a margarita, use the micro, charge electronics,watch the tv,I had to drag George the generator out from behind the back seat and fire him up. Now even a Honda 2000eu at full throttle is annoying.
Guess what. For almost the last 2 years, George sits in his compartment whimpering about the good old days when he used to be run regularily. Now we just tell him,sorry George, those panels up on the roof have taken your job. Get used to it.
And everything is so peaceful.