bka0721 wrote:
harold1946 wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
Do you have a URL for the solaraid? Google was not too helpful.
harold1946 wrote:
The Sloaraid is. The wind generator is portable.
Its been a while since purchase but I believe I purchased through Solar Direct.
I am sorry, but every place I query, this is a very expensive Home installed, tank reservoir system. Google and Bing searches show home installation. Would you please provide more information, maybe a picture of your RV installed Solar Water system?
Now there is one solar water system, a portable one, but with glass tubes, it concerns me with it’s survivability with my off road uses. Solar Water Heater Clicky
The solar water heater I had was similar to the one shown. Had it mounted on top of my 2000 Airstream Skydeck. I may still have a picture somewhere, will try to find and post some.