I use solar for 3 things, as I full time in a Truck Camper. I am more than half way through my 4th year Fulltiming and Extreme boondocking, 98% of the time. By this I mean I am in very remote desert and mountain places, set up camp and use various conveyances, Bicycles~(Boots on the ground~Kayaks~Motorcycle~skis) to explore outward to 150 miles around my base camps. I did stay in a campground once in 2012 (Death Valley), to spend time with a friend (no hookups).
As for Solar Power, I wish I had placed a higher priority on this part of my Full Timing plans, due to what I learned later. It actually took 2 years of running a generator, 2 to 3 hours a day, to recharge my batteries. It was literally a life changing experience to install enough Solar, sufficient enough to provide all of my surveyed power demands (150+ AmpH per day). I was not able to utilize my factory installed batteries to provide enough power for my daily use of my lap top and TV in a way a normal person would wish, if they were at home in a stick & mortar home. I literally seeked McDonalds & Public Libraries, as I traveled, to utilize my Lap Top. My days were arranged around a schedule for running my generator. Life is good now and I owe a lot of this to the people here in this forum, for the great information and answers to my questions.
My 3 things;
1. I conserve water every day, due to not moving my RV for long periods of time. I use solar showers for saving my onboard water. This water is gathered from streams, Windmills, ponds and lakes. Through Solar Bags/Bucket Shower, and a few small parts from Home Depot, I am able to extend my extreme boondocking additional weeks and sometimes months.
2. Because of the distance, availability, cost of Coin operated Laundromats I often do my laundry out in my remote locations via a Bucket washing system, just like my great grandparents used to do their laundry. I hang my laundry for the sun to dry, via clotheslines, after my bucket wash or running the clothes through a Laundromat and then save them to hang on the base camp’s clotheslines.
3. Doing an initial personal survey of what my needs would be, I was able to determine the necessary Battery Bank and Solar Panels for 12 months use. Due to my being in remote locations, I practice Redundancy in many important functions, Solar and Generators is one of these. I have two solar systems with similar equipment to ease swapping out important equipment, in the advent of failure of one bank. I also installed one solar bank on my trailer to allow it to be parked in full sun, while the RV can be moved to the shade. (I use my solar/battery banks for all of my power needs, with exception to A/C use and Microwave use in excess of 3 minutes of running.) My main battery bank and solar panels enables me to utilize it as a moving shore power source (excluding the 2 identified exceptions).
(4X150w)=600w Solar Panels
8 Interstate FWC 6vGC2 928 AmpH
Tri-Star 45/4 MPPT
Xantrex 2000W Inverter
(2X100w)=200w Solar(Grape Solar Panels)(100w add before winter 2013)
2 Eagle AGM 6v 240 AmpH
Tri-Star 45/4 MPPT
Xantrex 1500W Inverter
edit: add charge controller for 2nd Solar Bank
edit: Grape Solar Panels