I'm not seeing any difference in mex's wall and mine.
Eventually the AGM's tapering amps at Vabs are going to stop tapering.
How and where the amps stop tapering are data points to collect for later comparison.
Perhaps your weird 27 was presulfated before purchase. The UPG AGMS have to come from China, and they do not have great self discharge figures, and I highly doubt that retailers are making sure their yet to be sold batteries are regularly recharged.
I also doubt that batteries are leaving the factory fully charged as that takes time and electricity and both eat into max profit, and that is all that is cared about in this day and age.
Your lazy G27 might benefit from a deep cycle and exceeding that maximum 27 amp recommendation.
Or it might not.
http://www.odysseybattery.com/documents/ODYSSEY_Battery_Reconditioning_Charge_Procedure.pdfOdyssey are TPPL AGMs. Thickplate Lifeline AGM has a different procedure.
I've gone nowhere near the Odyssey procedure of draining to 10V under relatively high load on my Northstar, but the lower I drain it and the higher the amperage I can feed it till full, the better it performs thereafter.
Hitting it with 40 amps from 80% state of charge does not improve its performance as the amps start tapering within a minute.