pianotuna wrote:
I'm a slow driver at 80 kph (50 mph)
In this part of Cannuckistan everyone, including the nun driving the school bus, would be flipping you off for doing just 80 ……. In 60 zones! LOL
Seriously, at 80 in an 80 zone, you will attract a lot of attention and very likely get pulled over to see if everything is OK, in a 100 zone you’d likely get a ticket.
I do however put a lot of miles (km’s?) on my C doing 90 - 95 (in 80 zone) and generally get 11 - 11.5 Imperial (9 - 9.5 US) mpg doing so without a trailer, 9 - 9.5 (7.5 - 8 US mpg) with a (2k pound) trailer.