Keep in mind that when you up the battery bank capacity you also have to update your converter/charger unit. The rule of thumb is to have enough battery charge capacity to provide around 20AMPS of DC current for each battery installed. This is very important if you wish to have your battery bank re-charged in a three hour time frame using your on-board SMART MODE Converter/charger unit. Having less than the 20AMPS DC charging current will require much more time to re-charge the deep cycle batteries.
The same will hold true when using your on-board SOLAR systems. The SOLAR CONTROLLERs use the same smart mode charging techniques just like your on-board smart mode converter/charger unit. A typical 120WATT SOLAR PANEL will only produce around 5-6AMPS DC during high SUN periods. This a long way from the battery needing around 20AMPS of DC Charging current to fulfill a three hour re-charge time period.
Just something to think about...
Was never able to afford the high dollar CROWN DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES so have no on-hand experience for you there...
I am NO EXPERT here on charging batteries just on-hand experience over the past six years with my three each GP24 Standard issue 12VDC Interstate batteries running in parallel on my OFF-RoAD POPUP setup when camping off the power grid.
Roy Ken