Crown specs to have all batts about the same age, so if planning to get more later, get them all now.
However, it is no fun handling big heavy batteries. Better to have more lighter ones.
The 280w solar lying flat will get you (total WAG) 120AH/day one day and the 364 other days will be different from that, often a lot less. So that would support the two 6s at 235AH getting down to 50% with some chance of getting back to near full some days.
But how many AH a day do you use? The three 24s have about the same AH as the two 6s at 235 would have, but you want an "upgrade." To what? More AH? What is the actual scenario here?
How much battery footprint and height do you have anyway? Lots of questions to answer before a useful plan can be suggested. Love to spend your money thinking up good set-ups though! :)