I can tell you that a Honda Eu2000i will run, but the motor will be running pretty much maxxed out keeping up with the 10 to 12 amps needed to keep your A/C running in really hot weather, 90F or plus. It will not start your A/C by itself.
So your options are to pair a couple of Eu2000I's, or buy a Honda Eu3000i, maybe the Handi, because it weighs less, but it is a bit noisier.
The 2000i will surge to 4000Va, and run 3200Va. The 3000 will surge 3000Va and run 2400Va constant. Your money, your choice.
If you run that A/C on any of these, may as well pass on running the Generator on Eco mode, the A/C start ups really drag any of these motors down in the 13,500 Dometic models.
I realize when you want A/C, you want A/C now, but make a point to start your generator(s) up, and let them warm up for a couple of minutes before plugging in the 30 amp plug to them, that A/C start up really loads the gennie motors up at start up, a bad thing to do on a cold motor.