Let's not go off the deep end either way :)
Paving the roof with panels provides lots of charging power. But without planning such a move may be similar to refueling a Volkswagen with a four-inch diameter fuel hose.
My PRINCIPAL kWh usage is from 1700 hours to 2100 hours and from 0600 to 0900 hours. "Where's the sun?" You need lots and lots and lots and lots of batteries to utilize a huge solar array.
Buy a generator, run it for 5,000 hours, then start adding costs. Generator purchase price, generator maintenance cost. Fuel. MONEY SPENT TO GO GET MORE FUEL. Divide the sum total into 5,000 hours. Find a nice chair in soothing surroundings then figure out what each kilowatt hour is going to cost? Is it worth it to you?
When I was running a diesel 24/7 on the beach at Xcalak Quintana Roo, I was driving 135 miles to purchase FIFTEEN CENT PER GALLON DIESEL in TWO HUNDRED GALLON drum lots. Careful number crunching revealed the thirteen dollar a day RV Park in Chetumal would be cheaper. Being the temperature was 110F, choices were limited. I would have needed a solar array the size of an Olympic swimming pool and 40' semi trailer full of batteries to feed three roof air units.
IMHO the OP is seeing reality and doing this the right way. He is asking the right questions. Some folks can get a surprise and modify their lifestyle to compromise up to a point. Several decades ago I spent a month at a Mexican hot springs living with two diesel pickup engine starting batteries. It meant driving 13 miles to town, allowing the batteries to recharge, buying ice and food to last 3-4 days in an ice chest. I read by the dim light of 5mm white LEDs. Minimalist can be employed. But beware the minimalist who gloats and twists arms to convince "That's All You Really Need". You need what you need.