GordonThree wrote:
What do you mean provide enough information?
Are you saying a proper solar system can recharge to 100 percent every day, even in inclement weather?
As I said, not enough information (how "inclement", how many watts of panels, how much power must be harvested, etc...). One can just "guess" at a solar system design or one can actually run the numbers - actually do a design. If one knows how much power you typically consume on a daily basis, what your "environmental" situation is (how much solar energy typically reaches your location on a daily basis), and what your "requirements" are - putting a system together for an RV is usually not that difficult. Solar works without direct sunlight -
yes, even with clouds. So, depending on your situation/factors, you plan your storage and collections needs. One does not need the solar system to fully recharge a battery bank everyday if you have designed in storage capacity to accommodate this. Obviously, an RV presents limitations - both storage capacity (size and weight of batteries) and roof space for PV panels. There are limits, like everything.