GordonThree wrote:
"My Magnum charger will keep pushing high amps right to a 99% state of charge... With a 2000 watt generator it takes about 4.5 hours to recharge my 800ah bank from 50%."
I would like to know how this could be done. I can't get the numbers to work.
I believe a 2000w gen can't run a 100 amp charger that is PF corrected, but it can possibly run a 75 amp non-PF corrected one.
However, to keep it simple, using 100 amps anyway, that is a 12.5% charging rate on an 800AH bank, and you would stay at the 100 till about 85% when tapering starts.(based on Vabs of 14.6) In this case we are staying at Vabs till you get to 100% as was implied for this case.
So the first 35% of SOC (280AH) is done at 100a which takes 2.8 hrs which leaves 1.7 hrs (102 min) to get from 85 to 100%.
My experience with Vabs at 14.6, is that it would take 52 minutes to get from 85 to 90% in that situation, which leaves 50 minutes to get from 90-100%. We all know that can't be done in such a short time.
So, since my calculations don't work out for the 4.5 hours, how do you do actually do it?