artitude, the average level of tech competence on Yutube is low. People are using it (Yutube and cell phones) but know zilch about it and/or can't express themselves clearly. A common problem.
There are WiFi spots "everywhere" - almost. I've just spend a month in a place where there is no WiFi or cell phone service in 100-mile radius.
When there is a WiFi, it may or may not be password-protected. Personal plans and strictly business/employees communications are protected, they don't want free-loaders. Public places and certain businesses like coffee shops may have free WiFi that is not password-protected, though in hotels it's usually protected and they tell you password when you check-in. Still, you are NOT supposed to use a coffee shop WiFi if you are not a paying customer. There was a lawsuit by one fast-food joint, the guy parked nearby and used their WiFi.