Forum Discussion

LeeOrlando2's avatar
Jan 21, 2015

Winnebago Brave some 120v receptacles don't work???

Newbie here, just got this 1998 coach yesterday. The 120v system is working fine, converter, A/C, TV's, but all other 120v receptacles are not, bathroom, bedroom, salon. The breakers are all on, all seems good, except as above, which includes the microwave. Any suggestions?? I don't really know where to begin.

Appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks... Lee
  • geotex1 wrote:
    Find the GFCI outlet and reset it. Quite often that's it, especially when you mentioned bathroom. GFCI outlets also go bad over time.

    A number of inside outlets quit working a few months ago. I finally traced it to a GFCI outlet in the basement that had gone bad. Replaced the GFCI outlet and that fixed the other outlets on down the line.

  • Hey, thanks for all the replies & you were right!! I had checked one GFI & it was fine, but I didn't know there were more!! Happened onto one by kitchen sink & it was of course tripped! Now ALL outlets work fine. Oh & the was unplugged, behind a little door at top, which I had looked at but didn't see the cord!! Man, I feel stupid!!

    Oh & yes I had flipped all the breakers off. I know that when they trip, some you can barely see any difference.

    Thanks again for the replies!!
  • Did you turn the circuit breakers off and on or just look at them? Some breakers look like they are on when they have been tripped.
  • Some out lets could be powered off an inverter if the rig is equipped with one.
    Normally located adjacent to the batteries. It is housed in separate metal box. They have breakers, a small button type breaker and is powered by a battery bank that should have a large fuse in large cable feed.
    Yes it could be a tripped or bad GFCI receptacle. Rig could be equipped with more then one. Check galley and bath.
  • Just like everyone is saying. Check the GFI. If the microwave works n all outlets are out, it's the GFI. On my RV, the GFI is on the panel with the other breakers and not at the sink or bathroom. Caused me $300 to locate the GFI. Replace it and you should be good to go.
  • geotex1 wrote:
    Find the GFCI outlet and reset it. Quite often that's it, especially when you mentioned bathroom. GFCI outlets also go bad over time.

    Looks like you type faster than me!
  • Since you said bathroom, did you check your GFCI Breaker? Ad the next question would be do you have 50Amp or 30Amp RV? And what are you hooked up to?
  • Find the GFCI outlet and reset it. Quite often that's it, especially when you mentioned bathroom. GFCI outlets also go bad over time.