My label states "Distributed by: Johnson Controls Battery Group, Inc".
Is JCI the manufacturer or just a distributor?
OK, I will look for "bubbles" when the Finish Stage hits 15.3 volts.
Usually, the Finish Stage (@ 2 amps) takes about 1 hour to go from 14.4 volts to 15.3 volts.
If I do not see bubbles, then I will HOLD the Finish Stage at 15.3 Volts until I see bubbles.
#1 Bulk Constant Current = 8 amps until 14.4 volts
#2 Absorb Constant Voltage = 14.4 volts until 2 amps
#3 Finish Constant Current = 2 amps until 15.3 volts
#4 Float Constant Voltage = 13.0 volts (forever at home)
If I can get 300 cycles, then that is only $0.30 per cycle.
That is a great value for a WM 27DC battery.