It's the Herb Tarlick syndrome. All concerned with graphics and glitz and ergonomics is utterly forsaken. Utilities by nature MUST BE INTUITIVE. The are not trying to bias influence a chemical reaction, they are there to store bytes then make them available to download to another URL.
When I purchased a 300 dollar word program in 1985, it was fixated on MACROS. MACRO this and MACRO that. Every damned function in that software linked, stinked, or recommended MACRO. It made writing a simple letter difficult. email and Mcrosoft word killed the program like the vermin it was.
People joke about the BORG which is justified because there is nothing else like it. Complicated? Baking a cake is more complicated that two chargers that are switched on and off (or paralleled) independently, with variable preset voltage limits and a six hour timer on one charger. I'll bet even " " could be taught to use it inside of ten minutes.
But having to click TWICE on an URL link twice (the page has fully loaded) is stupid incarnate. Get a room full of nerds and they will turn software into a morass trying to impress each other.
BTW, I had linked twenty two images to the RV NET SITE post link dialog box of which seventeen appeared under PREVIEW POST and without doing a thing I pressed POST and you see the results. One duplicate appeared and fourteen never made the grade. Thirteen are images that you will not see.