WA8YXM - interesting sales article. bet they gonna have a bunch of lawsuits if these are the original unmodified adapters haha..
I have three of those original supplied adapters and currently still use them. These adapters plugs into a standard dual receptacle like those installed on alot of generators but are strapped together with large metal bars between the two sockets. Even looking at the inside of these units it would not be easy to cut out the metal strapping to make them do what was described in the sale pitch. Maybe this company has come up with a way to do just that. I noticed they did make comment that these will not give you 30AMPS being plugged into a Honda Generator.
The original purpose for these adapters was NOT to give you 30AMPS from two separate windings on a single dual receptacle. Their purpose was to give a large connection footprint to reduce over-heating of the adapter by plugging into two sockets at the same time of the same phase.
The photo used in the sale article are the same for the original ones that were produced but their article sure is full of BS if this is truly the same product.
However if they are still around I made pick up another one but one should be very much aware what they are. If you plugged the original version adapter into a separate phase dual receptacle you will most definitely gets some fireworks until the circuit finally trips...
Think I paid around $20 bucks for these before AMAZON stops selling them on their site - Probably five years ago...
Still use them today on my 2kW Honda generator

Roy Ken