JRscooby wrote:
specta wrote:
I never did get out on the road before I had my license.
Not only would my parents not allow it but if caught by LE Id had to wait an extra year to get my license.
Where I grew up it was legal to run ag equipment on the road without a license, moving field to field. Most of the adults in the area looked at pickup like a tractor, a tool to get the job done. If it was legal for me to take the Jubilee Ford a mile 4 miles to look at the stock in the rented pasture, why not my GMC? I never worried about LEO, if they patrolled anything but highway and in town, I never saw them. OTOH, everybody in the county knew what all the farm trucks looked like, and if anybody was acting stupid the party lines would be snapping, and when got back to house so would the switch. Grandma telling you to spend part of Sunday cleaning Widow Howell's windows because of all the dust you kicked up was pretty bad.
BTW, even now, areas that are mostly farms, a side by side or quad runner is likely to be looked at as ag equipment. The same vehicle, in urban or tourist areas is illegal.
Big reason you could get a drivers license at 15 in Montana, it was intended for the ranch ,and farm kids to be legal, finally ,some were driving the farm or ranch pickups before then :)