Forum Discussion
Problem is well first, a blown up old gasser dime a dozen truck is worth basically jack squat. Couple thousand to the right buyer.
second problem is Jeff has gotten so invested in this truck financially in the last few years that he’s literally upside down on an old vehicle. Which is not too hard to do in the name of “saving money” on a new vehicle. Gotten know when to pull the pin.
Now stuck with $2500-3k in parts and another several days work. Which thank goodness is “free.”
The money really isn't my issue. Done a lot of talking with people about this truck. Under powered, yes. Remamber though, with all the work done to this truck, only age separates it from a newer truck. Suapension is new, steering is new, ball joints are new all brakes are new. Mechanically, it's close to being a new truck for a lot lot less money, even with what I have put into it.
Also, the two engine failures were freaks! How often does an engine break an exhaust valve? How often does an oil sump tube crack and lose oil pressure.
Back to work, engine may be installed today, then off to the TCA Rally.