Well my post disappeared like the tweakers who stole another 8D battery off my Jobsite last night.
There’s a whole new slew of issues that will continue to affect what we’ve considered a normal way of life for as long as any of us have been alive. Even the old goats.
Back to the EV battery thread and my comment there.
I sure like my wife’s “new” car. 7 years old but who’s counting… But it still has many parts that are in current models and would be subject to the same supply chain issues.
Sure would s uck to be financially impacted by not having a vehicle because I paid big bucks for a new warranty and new car. Instead I’m comfortable that with the fleet we have and my ability to NOT rely on car dealers will ultimately save me money and unless it gets a lot worse, not be nearly as impacted financially by the current state of supply chains.
On a professional level, just using 2 small projects as examples. Total contract values combined under $30million, I and the company I work for are facing over $3 million in losses due to schedule, supply chain escalation and lawsuits against us due to govt mandated impacts to the projects.
That immediately wipes out ALL the profit margin plus some, just due to those issues. Not counting the “normal” risks pre Covid.