I've simply learned to just laugh at RR's very pointed posts and lack of knowledge and have started to wonder if he's a wacko. The mighty Australian market for about anything sure must be huge as Australia's total population is only approx 1/14 of that of the USA alone so is it any wonder why their economy can't support their own true from scratch automotive industry and have to import vehicles, vehicle designs, vehicle technology, engines and engine technology, RV technology, boat technology, and you name it. Next we may hear RR claim each Australian owns 14 vehicles and 14 RV's and that's why they are the worlds major player and thinks they know everything the best!
Shiner said it as it is whether RR likes it or not. I also am so tired of his constant bashing of our vehicles and RV's. His miniscule economy compared to our economy is more like a fly crawling up an elephants leg with passion on his mind! Wise up RR! You sure don't look very good constantly defending the defend less capabilities by bashing! The market is tiny I Australia compared and it's no wonder the smarter are pulling out as there's so little to be gained in reality.