Getting a good deal is really hard to determine these days. Sales tactics are forever changing to keep you confused as to how good of deal you are really getting. The bottom line for me is out the door price ! I dont care about anything else from the dealer.
My opinion for what it's worth, is to do some homework as to what discounts and rebates are available for the vehicle your considering, then get a general idea of how much you'll be spending and get several of your local banks and credit unions best financing rates and terms. It does you no good to get a good price on your truck and then pay more than necessary for financing. There are lots of good rates to be had. Dont be confused by your dealer offering 0%, they will just charge you a higher price for the vehicle.
After knowing my finance options and a general idea of price, I approach the salesman with, I'm in a hurry, dont have time to waste, cant go back and forth over price. Talk to your manager and give me your best out the door price if you really want to sell a truck. This is assuming they have a truck on the lot that meets your specs. You can usually locate a truck that matches your specs on the internet, browsing your local dealers sites. I have found they will take you very serious and drop all the dummy tactics if they know you are a serious buyer. Never let them push you into buying right now. They will sell that vehicle tomorrow just as easy as today. Shop several dealers this same way, and dont be ashamed to work their pricing against each other. You'll be surprised at how good of deal you can get. This method has worked very well for me. If your lucky, you will catch them when they are close to meeting their sales goal and being a for sure sale for them will get you a really good deal.
I'm sure that many of you already know all this, but hopefully there is someone reading this that it may help.
I didnt mean to make this so long, but I hate to see good people get taken advantage of if they are uninformed or unsure of how to proceed with such a huge purchase.