Thunderbolt wrote:
I am thinking coil pack as well. Is there a way to test them ? I bought new plugs to start because it is over due for them. It is shuddering bad enough where I am not going to drive it until I figure it out. It was a crappy weekend. Not only did I not get a deer, the rectifier on my 4 wheeler shorted out and started smoking. I went and paid Yamaha 160.00 for a new one and now my truck.
That does suck. But that's the way it goes with mechanical things sometimes. My Chevy is a 5.3 and has plug wires (though short ones). I ASSume the 6.0 is similar or the same. Without a misfire code, you're going to have to check each cylinder for spark (again, I'd wait for a code). I stick a screwdriver in the end of the wire and set it close to something metallic. Spark should be clear and evident. If not, there's your problem cylinder. Word to the wise - do not hold the screwdriver while testing. Or have some unsuspecting helper hold it. A good time will be had by all.