JRscooby wrote:
mr_andyj wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
Does anybody think it would be a good idea for there to be some kind of class to take, and test to pass before you can take a trailer out on the streets?
Only socialist, communist, blm and others who want govt intruding completely into their lives.
No, we do not want more licenses and fees and taxes or things listed we cannot do without bb watching over us. dumb!
One of the things I learned in grade school was name calling would never win a argument, but can start a fight.
It might be fun to see what your definitions of terms. But the only part I will address is most posters on this thread are advising the OP to socialize his cost, let all owners or RVs pick up a piece of the cost in our insurance payment.
Is it not 1 of the primary jobs of government to protect the population?
colliehauler wrote:
Heck schools don't even teach drivers ed anymore. I know of people on the forum who have taken a truck driver course for their MDT and 5th wheel.
Yes, some people realize there is a lot that they don't know, and educate themselves. But on a lot of subjects, I don't know enough to ask questions to learn. By OP's description, I bet he has learned that pulling a trailer fit that for him. He is looking at loosing a season of camping, plus his deductible. Bet he, like most would witch about having to pass a test, hind sight he sees that studying for that test might of taught him things he needs to know. At least that uncontrolled trailer did not injure others.
Scooby, you're tracking straight here. But the antagonism sure is strong in the replies you're receiving...
I'm not one for more regs and I already know how to tow a trailer, drive a boat safely, drive a motorcycle well, etc. But there are some genuises among us, that apparently also know how to do these things properly, but can't or won't account for the "least common denominators" out there.
And no I'm not referring to the OP specifically. There are also these things known as mistakes. And people make em, regardless of how "perfect" some people are in theory own minds.