Grit dog wrote:
Scooby, you're tracking straight here. But the antagonism sure is strong in the replies you're receiving...
I'm not one for more regs and I already know how to tow a trailer, drive a boat safely, drive a motorcycle well, etc. But there are some genuises among us, that apparently also know how to do these things properly, but can't or won't account for the "least common denominators" out there.
And no I'm not referring to the OP specifically. There are also these things known as mistakes. And people make em, regardless of how "perfect" some people are in theory own minds.
Ever wonder what the population of Lake Woebegone, where all the children are above average is?
I learned about fast acceleration while turning a trailer at about 11 YO when I jerked a wagon load of hay with a Jubilee Ford.
Things about driving and towing seam to come natural to me but I can't ever find what I want to know on the net. If there was any chance of property damage, let alone somebody hurt, I would take classes and a test before I logged on.
Many people do not know how much they don't know about towing. If there was a license requirement many would witch but most would learn.
Of course, hint of more government regulation starts attacks and push back. But the only reason against ever given is "More government regulation". Maybe if it came from insurance companies it would be better. Compare to health care; Talk about Death Panels starts a portion of population foaming at the mouth. The fact that ins. co. make the same kind of decisions every day to protect profit is not even considered.