What I would like to know is where are people finding the money to buy these things? They are "flying off the shelves" and even a what used to be a measly $25K Palomino 2902 or 2910 is now $39K in my neck of the woods. Inflation is a part of it - is the other part supply chain stuff? Still, who is buying all of this new at these prices? If you are going to buy a $100k camper - you probably have at least a $80K truck, if not more. I am on a couple of Facebook groups that deal with flatbed truck campers and people are spending $70 or $80K on an F-550 just to throw away the DRW back end and sub it with a "super single" - something that probably costs $20-$30k. To me this sounds incredibly stupid (but hey it is Amurica so free to burn your money any way you want). We keep hearing how nobody wants to work, it is the "gig economy", blah blah yet these things sell like hotcakes....I am puzzled.