nickthehunter wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
Here is my total cost analysis based on a Ram. It will be different for you depending on many things such as PM intervals/cost between the two, fuel prices in your region, interest rates, re-sale values and so on.

Interesting, you don’t have insurance, cost of money, and you have a unrealistic interest rate. That’s just from a 3 second glance at it.
The cost of money is on another chart, however, it had less than a $100 impact since the differences were so close especially for those that finance the loan. You are correct that I don't have insurance. You can call and get a quote on insurance if you want and add a post about it. The insurance on my truck is less than $40 a month and I doubt the gas version will that much less to make a significant impact.
As far as interest rate, that is the interest rate I got on both my truck and BMW. I made this chart for me, not anyone else so I really didn't concern myself with other peoples interest rates or fuel costs. Although, since my truck is not necessarily stock, it does get 2 mpg more than the fuelly mpg I have in the chart.