SweetLou wrote:
midnightsadie wrote:
shortage? I,m in north east ohio dealer has 150 fords an 175 chevys on the lot.
Here is a link
Perhaps wishful think on the manufacturers and dealers part. You can not force 30 million folks out of work for months (and that has to be a low number because they do not really know the total yet) and not expect it to affect sales of big ticket items causing them to go down the poop shoot. A large percentage of those folks won't even have a job to go back to.
It's not unlike the rosy picture that RVBusiness and the RVIA and RVDA are painting regarding the RV Industry. It's going in the tank also for the foreseeable future. The ramifications of this shutdown fiasco have not even begun to be felt downstream, hold on tight, it's coming. They have to paint it all pretty for the stockholders.